My group of kiddos this year is really struggling with sight word recognition.  And paying attention.  And fidgeting.  I could go on and on!  Anyway, I was trying to think of an easy and cheap activity for them that would get them moving while practicing reading.  I feel that my kids learn the most through movement, but reading doesn’t naturally lend itself to movement!  I adapted an idea I saw on Pinterest of a sight word parking lot into a sight word road.

Sight Word Driving 1

My kids adored driving the cars over the words.  They had to read the word before they were allowed to drive over it.  Look how active they all were!  All I did was tape two pieces of poster board together and use paint markers to draw a road and write sight words.  It took less than 15 minutes total.

Sight Word Driving 2

The entire activity lasts about 5 minutes, but during that time they are reading like the wind.  I loved how much reading was taking place…without flashcards!

Sight Word Driving 3

I pull this out about once a week and they love it.  I’m trying to figure out a way to make it more changeable.  This would work well for practicing math facts, as well as sight words.

Sight Word Driving 4

How do you practice sight words with your kids?

Joy of Teaching